

The movie Samsara was not only visually stunning but spiritually enlightening. 

The word ‘samsara‘ holds a variety of similar meanings according to different religions. It’s basically continuous flow. It’s the endless cycle of life/death/rebirth…the finite world of change…passing through states of existence and wander…”he flows into himself.”

During the course of our lives, our actions determine our future destiny. Duh. When we react to events out of fear or ignorance, shit spins out of control!

Sacred teachings say, “We must understand that we are simply playing a game that we invented to have fun. We are like people who play cyber-games and forget we created the game for our own amusement. If we can remember that we created the game, and we can get off anytime we want, then we stop suffering.” Game on!!

So, what are you doing to boost your eternal karma? Hmm?

“Positive thinking lifts us out of the top of the circle into heavenly realms.” Sounds fun.

Lets all spiral up together! Pretend like you’re making a super sweet spiritual collage and choose to create your wheel of life with kind, ecstatic brilliance, vibrant color and joy!

Don’t just survive life, live it fully!!

“How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.”



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