Signs of a Happy Person

“What is the sign of a healthy person? Such a person is happy anywhere. He or she is relaxed everywhere – always in peace, within and without. Even in hell, such a person will be at ease. A healthy person hates no one, dislikes nothing. Total love, universal love emanates from within. There is no …


Sweet sexy svadhisthana! So dear and divine you are! Loosely translated as the dwelling place of the self, the second chakra is located in the sacral area at the base of our sex organs. It corresponds with sensuality, imagination, fantasy and self indulgence. When balanced, our capacity for creativity, expression and passion is heightened. A strong svadhisthana results …

Karma Yoga

In the West, it’s too often believed that yoga is just fancy gymnastics. But the physical aspect of yoga is such a tiny tip of the spiritual iceberg. Branching out from the cultural norm of the typical asana practice, allows us to try other forms of yoga which have more of a spiritual objective. Karma …

Magic Mudras

Ever wonder why we place our hands together at our hearts in yoga, prayer or greeting people in the Eastern world? It’s one of the many lovely and spiritual “mudras.” Mudras are ritual positions that influence energy flow and reflexes to the brain. Some involve the entire body but most are done using hands and fingers. Anjali mudra …