
Eye Love You

eyeAre you reading this right now? Well how about appreciating those keen, perceptive, extraordinary eyes!

Eighty five percent of all the knowledge we collect in our lifetime comes from what we see! The average human eye weighs about twenty eight grams.

Eyes can distinguish up to 500 shades of gray 🙂

They can process around 36,000 bits of info each hour! What do you want to expose your eyes to?

It is said that the “eyes are the windows to the soul.” This is why eye-gazing (Tantric transfiguration) is so vitally important for a deeper connection. Masks are unshed when we truly “see” beyond the physical.

What we see is absorbed and processed in the brain and can have a huge effect on our well-being. Visit a museum. Make a collage of all the pretty things that make you happy. Watch trees blow in the wind. Admire a sunset. Notice all the different colors outside. Stare at a lava lamp. Witness the awe of nature around you.

Our eyes tend to get very tired and sometimes sore from constantly looking at a computer screen. It puts a lot of strain on them! Poor little globular organs. They need love, too! Prevent poor vision by rolling the eyes a bit and looking around in every direction. Look away from the screen every half hour or so.

Remember to nourish them after a staring contest. Blinking helps keep our eyes moist and clean.

Emotional tension can cause the ocular muscles to malfunction. To stay centered, practice gazing at a single point (or drishti). It helps quiet the mind and improves concentration. When the eyes wander, the mind wanders.

What is something great for eye health? Kale! It’s even better than carrots. Fruits and veggies in general are awesome protectors of the eyes.

Sailors in the past believed that wearing a golden ring would improve eye sight. Maybe that’s why pirates like them?

Shark cornea is very similar to humans and has even been used in eye surgery. The largest eye ever belongs to the giant squid. It’s eighteen inches in diameter! Holy beach-ball-sized eye!

The third eye (anja chakra) is known as the gateway to inner realms and higher consciousness. Focusing attention on this area between the brows is said to activate the pineal gland, which stimulates biorhythms of the body. Bringing awareness to this area also heightens mental clarity and intuition.

Look at the $1 bill and you will notice the “all- seeing eye.” It is known as the link between physical and spiritual worlds.

On another note, ‘Eye of the Tiger’ was (one of) the number one songs of 1982.

Eye love you.

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