
Happy Thoughts

happyHappy vs. angry thoughts. The more you have, the stronger they will be.
Are you willing to sacrifice your eternal happiness because you didn’t get your way? The way we interpret events has a bigger effect on us than the event itself. Honestly, is it possible to be internally happy regardless of outside forces?
Humans have as many as 25,000 to 50,000 thoughts each day! The nature of those thoughts will eventually make up our outlook on life” -Psychology Today
Positive thinking lowers depression, increases life expectancy, reduces heart disease and improves psychological and physical well-being. It also lowers the impact stress can have on our bodies and reduces the risk of disease. Negative thoughts have a disgusting effect on our immunity and can literally make us sick!
Before we totally aggravate our precious nervous systems, why not ask, “what lesson am I learning from this and how can this help me grow?”  When we’re surrounded by negativity (people who bitch and complain, news, social media..), we allow those thoughts to invade our subconscious. In time, that can have a serious affect our quality of life. When we hope for the best, it directs our gaze forward. It’s empowering (and much more fun than living with hate and fear!).
Yoga and meditation are brilliant tools for allowing our busy brains to take a break from all thoughts. They provide a multitude of psychological, spiritual and physiological benefits. Or, make a list of all the people, places and things you love! Cheesy? Whatever. If it boosts positivity then who cares? Don’t judge.
Feeling down? “You can always pick up your needle and move to another groove” -Timothy Leary
Happy Thoughts!!

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