
Ajna & Superconscious Sex

An ancient key to visions, altered states, and spiritual/sexual fusion is to focus the eyes on the point between the brows, our seat of inner wisdom. 

Often during intimacy, attention is below the belt, but when we consciously bring awareness upwards (especially during climax), the energy created can result in lovely, full-bodied, transcendental experiences of total, blissful oneness beyond ego. 

Practice gazing at a candle flame then see the fire in the mind’s eye during union to bridge the sex center to the mental command center.

Breathe arousal energy up into Ajna and voila! A door opens to a reality of cosmic love, light, and universal connection! 

And with a single thought, share that sweetness with the world.


Huge Mahalo to ArcherShoots on Maui for this blessed image.

Here are some helpful tools to raise the vibration of your inner and outer world.

Sri Yantra: Representing the cosmos and the human body, this geometric shape is known to create material and spiritual abundance. This mandala has an extraordinary power to change our lives and fulfill our dreams and wishes.

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